Monday, April 15, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun: Book Review

The play, A Raisin in the Sun, written by Lorraine Hansberry, is a domestic tragedy. Lorraine takes a simple family and shows how sexism and racism can shape a family for generations. I was able to connect to the characters and understand who they are. Walter Lee Jr, is a dreamer, yet very stubborn and emotional. Beneatha mirrors her brother somewhat and is an intellectual who seeks out her place in the world and is not willing to settle. Lena (Mama) is strong willed and tried to maintain her morals and commands respect. Ruth is the realist and very pessimistic about life but continues to preserve. These characters are very relatable. In the play, Walter is a chauffeur. Ruth stays at home and cleans, and mama is a house maid while Beneatha goes to school. As the check was on its way,everyone had different views on how the money should be sent- Walter believes that the money should be spent on a liquor store, Beneatha believes that the money should go to her studies, and mama believes that the money should go towards a new house and the rest goes towards Beneatha's studies.Throughout all of this,Ruth becomes pregnant and considers abortion, due to the family's  I would recommend this book to anyone above the age of 14, due to some of the explicit scenes in this book.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Day 14

My reflection about my English class today was that I was able to improve my body paragraph skills that I really needed help on. Not only that, we went over practice prompts on the AP exam and I've learned how to properly answer the prompt. We looked at example answers, one with a high score and one with a low score, to see the difference in the writing.

Today has been kind of irritating, I think because of the gloomy weather. I almost fell today walking to my choir class. My best friend brought me some spaghetti, but I wasn't able to eat it for lunch. I ate it when I got home and it was quite good. I hope tomorrow is a better day for me than today.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Day 13

Today has been a good day. I've learned new court cases and new material in my government and politics class that will help me on my upcoming civics test that's mandatory in order for me to graduate. I've finally have all of my music down pack in choir for all upcoming auditions and hopefully I will be rewarded scholarship money. In English today,  I've learned and became better at some material and skills that will help me with my upcoming AP exams that take place the day before my graduation. I hope this entire goes great just as my weekend and today!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Day 12

My weekend has been a nice weekend for once! I've met a new friend and we have alot in common. She's very nice and sweet and I can't wait to meet up with her again!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Day 9

Today was a good interesting day. Throughout the day, I have learned the meaning of actual true friends and what a great friend actually is. I have also learned that just because it happened, doesn't mean the whole group chat supposed to know it happened. I felt good about myself today because I helped comfort some of my friends during their time of need. I've learned some things about some people that I would've never thought I would expect. Hopefully, tomorrow will be less wild because this is too much.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Day 8

Today has been an exhausting day, and also a day to learn from. In my English class, we got into groups and did process of elimination on multiple choice practice questions. During this group activity, I think I can speak for most of my class as to say that working together could be so much easier than working alone because you can get different perspectives about anything and different opinions to branch on. I really couldn't sleep last night because it was so hot in my room, but I managed to make it throughout the school year without falling asleep once!

Friday, February 1, 2019

Day 6

We haven't had a class discussion today in class, but I can't wait to read the book this weekend. Today was a good day today, and also a day of learning. In my government and politics class, we've taken a mock AP exam. As I was doing this mock test, I realized that alot of the material in the test is just charts and graphs, and common sense of course. In my English class today, we've practiced writing from a character's perspective of a situation (previous post). I also learning how to improve my characterization skills of any character introduced in a book.

A Raisin in the Sun: Book Review

The play, A Raisin in the Sun, written by Lorraine Hansberry, is a domestic tragedy. Lorraine takes a simple family and shows how sexism and...