Thursday, January 31, 2019

Literally 3x3

  • Hatred destroys love 
  • Sympathy attracts communication 
  • Anger transforms relationships 

Day 5/ Reflection

As we read the letters today in class, we finally met Shug Avery. We have also seen a new side of Mr._____ that the class has not seen of him so far throughout the novel. As Shug came to the house, she was high and/or drunk and called Cellie ugly. There has also been church gossip going around about Shug, but Cellie didn't believe it.

Today has been a neutral day for me. We took our class photos today, which I was not ready for physically and mentally. I took some nice selfies with some of my friends and fellow classmates that I've known since elementary school. It's kind of nice to see people that you've walked into middle and high school with walking out of high school with you. I can't wait to see how tomorrow is going to be for me.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Day Three

My weekend was ok. Saturday my bestfriend had her birthday party and me and out friends had a great time. Just listening to music and eating some good food. Hopefully next weekend would be better!

Friday, January 25, 2019

Day 2/ The Color Purple

Fonzo, Celie's father, gives Mr.____ Celie away for marriage. As Celie was having intercourse, she wasn't thinking about it, or in the mood as one would say. She was thinking about what would happen to Nettie, since now Celie is off and married. 

My day was very boring. It felt like a regular school day, and nothing interesting happened today. Hopefully tomorrow would be better. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Color Purple(letters 1-7)/ Day 1

As we read the first 7 letters of this book, it was kind of uncomfortable and unsettling to read. As read so far, we can see that Celie has already gone through alot, and her childhood is already traumatized. As she was sexually assaulted by her dad, and got pregnant twice by him, it had effect her mentality and spiritually.

Today was sort of a good day,  besides the cold wind of course. I was kind of irritated, but I went on throughout the day. Our class started on a new book today and even though it is kind of horrifying, it is good so far. I can't wait to read more tomorrow!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Reflection of this project

As I was working with my team members I have learned how to turn something into nothing. Doing this project has taught me how to use my creative skills that I never thought I had, which has brought out the best of me. Everyone contributed together and worked as one, which was really fun!

Poem to monster (For my sweet Bleh)

A monster so unique as you
Entered this world out the blue
Even though you are three in one
Working together should be fun
Go out and explore the world as you be
Live life as it last for eternity 

Poem about monster

Two heads are better than one
Necks so long and very strong
Boy, squid, and girl together as one
Creation out of this world so wrong

Students walked by
Running and full of scream
They shouted "Oh my God! It looks so big
 And mean!"
Tux on one side and dress on the other
Even if they're jointed, they don't share a mother
It walks by a mirror and sees its reflection and was agaped
It shouted "Bleh!" and that was its name

Story about monster

There was a high school senior preparing her experiment for a science fair at her school. The day of the fair, she placed her beaker on a table and walks away. A boy, known as the school bully, carelessly knocks over the beaker and spills it on himself. The beaker contained DNA of a squid and also DNA of the girl. The liquid splashed onto a nearby extension cord,sending shocks through the boy's body. Moments later, the high schooler returns in a hurry, panicking because beaker had disappeared. A shadow formed behind her as she bends down and picks up her now empty beaker. She slowly turns around as a wet thing taps her shoulder. Mixed with terror and amazement, she screams. The high schooler was mesmerized at her horrific creation.

A Raisin in the Sun: Book Review

The play, A Raisin in the Sun, written by Lorraine Hansberry, is a domestic tragedy. Lorraine takes a simple family and shows how sexism and...